What Is Low Testosterone

Understanding Low Testosterone (Low T)
Some men have low testosterone levels. This is called Hypogonadism or Low Testosterone (Low-T). It’s more than just feeling tired 24/7; men often experience the symptoms of low testosterone such as muscle loss, erectile dysfunction, difficulty concentrating, weight gain, and much more. And as men get older, testosterone levels naturally decline, so it’s not unlikely for many men to experience the symptoms of Low T.
If you don’t have the energy to get through the day, if you can’t remember the last time you and your spouse had sexual intercourse, and notice your relationships and work are suffering; it may be your testosterone levels affecting your ability to live your best life.
Testosterone replacement therapy is a safe and effective option for getting your life back. Some contributing factors are obesity, stress, anxiety, chronic illness, working extended hours or swing shift, lack of good nights rest, and even just the normal aging process.
The American Urology Association (AUA) identifies low blood testosterone (Low-T) as less than 300 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL). These symptoms or conditions may accompany Low-T:
Low sex drive
Reduced lean muscle mass
Irritability/Crabby mood
Erectile dysfunction
Weight gain (especially in the abdomen)
Brain fog
Joint pain
Poor sleep habits
Lack of motivation
Treating the effects of Low T
At NexGen Health an Wellness, we treat Low-T with hormone replacement therapy…and we do it differently. We tailor the treatment and dose to each man’s individual needs—as informed by lab tests. We also differ from the typical hormone treatment protocol by testing consistently and varying the dose as your T levels rise and fall, because they do. By continually, actively monitoring patients and adjusting treatment, we minimize the risks, maximize the benefits…plus help most men achieve a marked, positive change and a reinvigorated life and sense of self.
Questions About Low T?
For more information about the conditions and symptoms of Low T, call NexGen Health and Wellness at 901-244-6631.