Lipo-BC Tablets for Supervised Weight Loss
at NexGen Health and Wellness
NexGen Health and Wellness offers the natural weight loss supplement tablet called Lipo-BC tablets to help with your medically supervised weight loss. Lipo-BC is an alternative to the NexGen Health and Wellness Lipotropic Injections considering not everyone wants to receive an injection, may feel afraid of an injection, or just simply intimidated by them.
What is Lipo-BC?
According to Legerepharm.com, Lipo-BC is a supplement that helps the liver break down fats and expel them from the bloodstream by increasing the production of a substance in the liver called lecithin, which helps the solubility level of cholesterol in the blood vessels, lessens fat in the liver and helps with detoxification of the liver. It also helps the liver process hormones, some antibiotics and sugars. The BC part of the Lipo-BC equation is the B-complex component of the supplement except for the vitamin C. This means it contains thiamine (vitamin B1), niacin (vitamin B2), pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), pyridoxine (vitamin B6), biotin, folic acid, and the cobalamins (vitamin B12). Each part of the B-complex has its own unique function in the body and they help breakdown stored fat, carbohydrates, and proteins.
Lipotropic means, “fat-loving.” Lipo-BC helps keep fats emulsified in the blood and allows fat to move with ease throughout the body and be expelled, all while helping to detox the liver of fat. There are 3 key ingredients to the lipotropic portion of the Lipo-BC tabs. They are choline, inositol, and biotin. These ingredients increase metabolism to help burn fat, in addition to helping remove fat from the body all while providing a renewed sense of energy.
Choline is a component of Lipo-BC aids in cell-renewal, which can contribute to allowing Lipo-BC to move fats easily in and out of cells, therefore, giving you a healthier liver and kidneys. Choline helps disperse out cholesterol in the body so that it does not adhere to the arterial walls of the body.
Inositol is also a Lipo-BC nutrient at a proper level, is essential for healthy use and movement of fat in the liver. At adequate levels, Inositol is in charge of the breakdown of phospholipids, which are critical in digestion and absorption of fats, promotes the uptake of fatty acids, and helps bring material in and out of the cells. A low level of Inositol can contribute to diabetes and possibly a fatty liver.
Biotin, another element of Lipo-BC expedites the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Biotin’s main function is to assist the body in its use of glucose and to control blood sugar levels.
Benefits of Lipo-BC
- Lowers homocysteine levels which can contribute to heart attacks and strokes
- Can help with stress levels
- Raises the production of red blood cells
- Boosts nervous system function
- Energy boost
- Can aid in cell renewal
- Can lead to weight loss by increasing the metabolism to burn fat
- Helps with a fatty liver
- Can help remove fat from the body
- Increases liver function
How to Take Lipo-BC
- Take 1 tablet 3 x’s a day before meals
Lipo-BC uses its lipotropic elements to effectively metabolize fat and cholesterol and aid the body in losing weight. The tablet form is a great alternative for patients who do not wish to take an injection. As with any weight loss supplement, results may vary, and it is important to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle.
To try Lipo-BC, stop by NexGen Health and Wellness and discuss your weight loss goals with our staff of professionals.